The Insurmountable Quiz Wiki

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The Insurmountable Quiz
Question 91

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Question 91
Difficulty Medium Medium
Skippable? Yes
Bomb? No
Reference(s) None
Safe Question? No
Fusestopper location N/A
Skip location N/A

Question 91 from The Insurmountable Quiz is the first question that features the final theme: space, which will last until the final question. This question asks "How does this Quiz work in space?" and the choices say "It doesn't!", "Tesla", "Solar panels" and "It is hard to say in the infinite void of time".

The answer to this question is "Solar panels". The reason for this is unknown.

Gold Edition

The question number and the question text color is changed from pink to white. The color of the option boxes is changed from light-grey to dark-grey.
