The Insurmountable Quiz Wiki

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The Insurmountable Quiz
Question 24

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Question 24
Q-024 InsurmountableQuiz
Difficulty Easy Easy
Skippable? Yes
Bomb? No
Reference(s) "Pac-Man", "Space Invaders", "Earthworm Jim" (video games)
Safe Question? No
Fusestopper location N/A
Skip location N/A

Question 24 from The Insurmountable Quiz is the first question of the game featuring the 8-Bit theme, where all the colors are green, black and white. The question asks "All time classic?" with the possible answers being "Pacman" with four dots in the C, "I haven't lived this long. I've got no idea! :(", "Space Invaders" with some white lines that look like shots, and "Groovy!" with some sort of green worm above the option box.

The answer is "Groovy!" referencing the game "Earthworm Jim".
